Karaoke & Coil Pots Private Class

from $157.00


  • Personally scheduled 2 hour class ( I will email you)

  • 7 spots available

  • Home studio, near Oakland Nursery in Columbus, OH

(Click on Picture for more information and pricing options)

Class Size:
Book a class


  • Personally scheduled 2 hour class ( I will email you)

  • 7 spots available

  • Home studio, near Oakland Nursery in Columbus, OH

(Click on Picture for more information and pricing options)


  • Personally scheduled 2 hour class ( I will email you)

  • 7 spots available

  • Home studio, near Oakland Nursery in Columbus, OH

(Click on Picture for more information and pricing options)

Karaoke and Coil Pots is a fun one-class experience!

In two hours you’ll get to:

  • Learn how to hand-build pots, bowls, cups, or flower pots with clay coils

  • Experiment and have fun making your own unique sculpture

  • Sing along to your favorite tunes with your fellow creators and/or serenade them

  • Pick a glaze color for your finished piece

Your finished piece will be ready to pick up within 4 weeks.

No clay experience?
No worries.

No singing experience?
No worries

We’re all here to have fun!


This class has a sliding scale payment option. Please pay what you can. Use the coupon codes listed to alter your payment from the full price option.

Price for 3 or less people $157

Add $50 per person up to 7 people.



Want to know more?

You will have two hours to build a small object with clay, either by rolling out long coils and stacking them to create a cup, bowl, flower pot, etc., or experimenting with your own sculpture ideas. I will be there every step of the way to help you make it happen. Don’t worry, you don’t need any pottery experience, or singing skills either.

This class is a sing-a-long, and a lot of fun!

Come prepared with song requests, and please share any you can think of and your preferred genre when you sign up for the class. This helps me get a good playlist started. I can queue it up for you to sing with a mic for the group karaoke style, or we can all just belt our hearts out at the table while we work and create.

At the end of class you will pick out the glaze color you want your piece to have, and within 4 weeks I will have them fired, glazed, and ready for you to pick up. I will notify you when they are ready and how to come and get them.

Please email me with any questions you might have at emily@daphniaceramics.com

If you have any specific requests for scheduling please leave them in the questionnaire form that is part of the check out process.

Make a Mug With Me Class
Private Lessons
from $30.00